Terms & Conditions
If not specifically negotiated prior to the commenceing of the project the following terms and conditions are valid for Pacific Media House assignments.
In the following terms & conditions “the photographer” shall mean Tom Vierus trading as Pacific Media House. “The clients” shall be those persons/representatives of the companies, institutes, NGOs, governemntal bodies, resorts or businesses. These terms & conditions cannot be varied in any way by the clients unless such conditions are expressly agreed by the photographer in writing.
The copyright of the images and videos stays with the photographer.
The client(s) hereby allow(s) the photographer to display any photograph and video covered by this contract and to generally promote Pacific Media House and related business in portfolios, brochures, magazine articles, websites, etc.
We usually do not require a deposit and prefer poayment upon delivery of agreed deliverables. However, we may ask for a 40% deposit if a time frame needs to be blocked or other circumstances require to do so.
Payment in full of the remaining balance will be due within seven (7) working days upon delivery of agreed deliverables.
Titles to all goods remains with the photographer until paid for in full by the client(s).
In the unlikely events of cancellation by the photographer or of total photographic failure, liability shall be limited to a full refund of any fees paid.
All digital negatives (computer files) remain the property of the photographer.
Should the digital negative files be lost, damaged of destroyed for the reasons beyond control, the photographers liability shall be limited to a full refund of any deposits and fees paid, but shall not include a refund for any goods already received.
Any directions issued to clients, their guests or employees during a photographic shoot are deemed to be at said persons own risk. The photographer cannot be held responsible for any personal accidents during a photographic shoot.
If the client(s) should have to cancel a booking the following cancellation fees will become due immediately upon said cancellation:
Cancellation from the booking date and more than two weeks to go until the wedding, the booking fee of £250.00.
Cancellation with less than two weeks to go until the wedding date, full price for the complete photographic coverage booked. The client(s) are hereby advised to take out an appropriate insurance policy to cover any expenses incurred in the event of cancellation.
The photographer will endeavour to deliver the agreed deliverables as quickly as possible. For images this would regularly mean withing seven (7) days. For films the time frame depends on the length and number of agreed films. Pacific Media House strives to deliver images and films at the earliest point in time possible.